Club News, Reminder & IDFG days for June & July June 3, 2024
Remember Tuesday, June 4.
Tomorrow Evening’s Fly Tying, Casting and General Fun at the Barn.
Hope to see you all there.
IDFG fishing days that they have requested our club’s help for June and July.
All Trout in the Classroom kids fishing days in April and May were great successes.
All days are from 8-9 am to 2-3 pm at the locations listed.
Please call Chris Foster 206-794-4802 with any questions.
Wed. 6-5 = The last Trout in the Classroom kids fishing day at Gavers Lagoon.
Sat. 6-8 = Free fishing day at Riley Pond Hagerman.
Wed. 6-12 = Fishing Trailer Event at Freedom Pond Burley.
Sat. 6-15 = Fishing Trailer Event at Dierkes Lake.
Wed. 6-19 = Fishing Trailer Event at Filer Pond.
Sat. 6-22 = Vamos A Pesca at Freedom Pond Burley.
**Tue. 6-25** = Auburn Hospice Senior Fishing Day at Oster Pond #1, Hagerman.
Wed. 6-26 = Fishing Trailer Event at Riley Pond.
Sat. 7-13 = Fishing Trailer Event at SV Elkhorn.
Wed. 7-17 = Fishing Trailer Event at Gavers Lagoon.
Sat. 7-27 = Fishing Trailer Event at Lake Cleveland.
More Club News will be posted after tomorrow night’s meeting.
Please call or text me with items you would like me to put in our club news.
Thank you for participating with your club.
Call me anytime,
Bryan- Secretary 2024. 208-934-6405