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Fly Fishers

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  • 13 Jul 2023 8:57 AM | Anonymous

    Club News – February 2023


    Magic Valley Fly Fishers February 13, 2023, Reminder and Update. 

    Good afternoon. 

    Our first general meeting of 2023 will be one week from tomorrow night February 21 from 5 to 9 at the Mountain View Barn, 392 E, 300 S, Jerome. 

    Our main presentation from 6:30 to 7:30 will be by our new President James Harper giving us his views on many fly fishing myths and how to turn them into an advantage for all Magic Valley Fly Fishers. With luck he will also have time to tell and show us some of his fishing adventures last fall on the upper Snake, Big Lost and beyond. 

    The opening act preceding James will be Vice President Fred Schneiter’s video loop and his narrative showing us some of his MVFF local fly fishing fish fooling fun with new, old and perspective members around this magic valley over the preceding months. 

    After James’ show we will give you some updates on project areas begun in previous months and how our new board is working to keep these interesting and important items moving forward. 

    After what is sure to be a lively Q&A with James and us all we will have a round robin of fishing tales from you all. 

    The Café at the Barn will be open for business as in all previous general meetings and have a great mini buffet, burgers, salads and other goodies available as well as new kegs being tapped according to my latest info from O.J. 

    As we said in our Club News of Jan 23, dues are due now for all & each year on the Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 cycle. Thank you to all that have already renewed/paid and thank you especially to the several new folks that have joined recently. You may still pay on our website through March but after that we are looking into new methods that may be back-to-the-future with mailing your check to P. O. Box 1037 and by paying at the door with plastic, check, or that old thing—cash?? 

    Last Tuesday evening 2/7 was our opening monthly fly tying and open get-together night at the Barn and was enjoyed by all of those that came, tied, learned and got better acquainted. We had over 20% of our paid club members attend and that was awesome! ( It does, however, say our paid membership is down a bit too! Pay up!) We know these nights will work back into a major happening for our club as they had begun to evolve back when we started them in 2019, so plan on coming on March 7 and get involved. 

    Also, mark your NO MISS date for our March 21 general meeting with guest speaker, our own, Mr. Tucker Brauer, Magic Valley Regional Fisheries Biologist for IDFG. He will present information on all things Big Wood River, as well as other great things the Department has underway with another lively Q & A to follow. 

    Thanks again and we look forward to seeing you all this next week on Tuesday Feb 21. 

    Fish hard, send pics & stories, have fun, call/text/email us anytime. What a team!!! 

    More soon, Bryan Woodhouse, Secretary & PP, 2023, 208-934-6405.

    James Harper-President 208-961-0850

    Fred Schneiter-Vice Pres. 208-969-1971

    Download Club News Letter 

  • 13 Jul 2023 8:56 AM | Anonymous

    Magic Valley Fly Fishers March 14, 2023
    Good evening,
    Our second general meeting of 2023 will be just one week from tonight on March 21 from 5 to 9 at the
    Mountain View Barn, 392 E, 300 S, Jerome. Our main presentation from 6:30 to 7:30 will be by our guest
    speaker, our own, Mr. Tucker Brauer, Magic Valley Regional Fisheries Biologist for IDFG. He will present
    information on all things Big Wood River including it’s history, current work and plans for the future that the
    Department has underway. He will also update us on other IDFG work and fisheries issues around our Magic
    Valley with a lively Q & A to follow.

    President’s Message-James Harper
    Hello MVFF members.
    We are slowly getting to spring. Spring is one of my favorite times of year as I always take a spring trip with
    my sons. We have been doing this trip and chasing the Blue Wing Olives of spring. Once again, this year we
    are going and I can hardly wait. We are usually a bit early for the BWO’s but there are still fish to be caught.

    Things so far this spring are looking favorable for the water outlook. Word is pretty favorable and sounding
    good for the Steelhead season. As things start to warm up a bit, I hope that everyone can find some time to wet
    a line. There should be plenty of nice days ahead and lots of opportunities. That is what this is all about,
    getting to the water to catch fish. Spring is always a great time after the long winter.

    As far as the club is going, we have been meeting as a board and have some real fun things planned this
    year. We are excited for some of the events that we have planned and you will be seeing more of those coming

    Just a reminder, the fly-fishing Film Tour is finally coming to Twin. Let’s get out there a support fly fishing in
    the area. Those films are always tons of fun, and also, often a bit educational. If you haven’t already checked
    out the Facebook page, you really should. There is lots of great content that we have been able to share, with
    many fly patterns that have been tied as well as some links to really great articles. We are also getting the
    Instagram page going it is We would really like your help and support to get that
    moving forward. Feel free to post to either the Facebook or to tag us in the Instagram posts. We all like to see
    what everyone has been catching.

    Thanks everyone and let’s get out there and catch a few fish.
    – James.

    PLEASE NOTE: Send all your comments, pictures, links and ideas to the new as
    James noted above in addition to our e-mails listed below for our best responses and archiving of your inputs.
    Text us for fastest responses. Thank you for your support.

    Vice President’s Message-Fred Schneiter
    I am looking forward to our fishing Fun Day at Murtaugh Lake in May. We have the pavilion there
    reserved for us. More details to follow.

    Our 1st fly tying evening, 2/7, we had a good turnout. Our 2nd evening, 3/7, not as many showed
    up. We did have a couple of interested parties (not members yet) attend and actually did some
    tying!! Looking forward to a good turnout at our next evening, 4/4.

    Still working on fish out days. Weather has not been cooperating and a lot of locations are not open yet
    but will keep researching.

    We’ll be getting a list of days soon from Fish and Game for their volunteer events as well as ‘Trout in the
    I appreciate everyone who has participated and hope we can get more volunteers.
    – Fred

    More Updates & Information

    • Next Tuesday March 21 will begin with our 5-6:30 “wet fly time” for getting together, eating, sipping and
      will again feature Fred’s video loops, DVD’s and stories of getting our folks out and catching fish.
    • The Café at the Barn will be open for business as in all previous general meetings and have a great mini
      buffet, burgers, salads and other goodies available as well as new beverages to try.
    • We will give you some updates on project areas begun in previous months and how our new board is working to keep these interesting and important items moving forward.
    • We will have our round robin of fishing tales again from you all to learn what’s fishing well-or at all??

    As we said previously, thank you to all that have joined or renewed for 2023. For all of you that paid at the 50th
    party last April 30, 2022, dues are due again & each year on the Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 cycle. You may still pay on
    our website through March. but after that we are looking into new methods that may be back-to-the-future
    with mailing your check to P. O. Box 1037 and by paying at the door with plastic, check, or that old thing—
    cash?? More on our website transition will follow as we have the details you need worked out. Please also help
    us by working with our teams for our upcoming tying nights, meetings, events and fish-outs-we need you.

    The first Tuesday evening March 7 was our second great monthly fly tying and open get-together night at the
    Barn and was enjoyed by all of those that came, tied, learned and got better acquainted. We know these nights
    will grow into an important evening for our club as they had begun to evolve back when we started them in
    Please plan on coming on the first Tuesday, April 4 as in the calendar below and get involved.

    Calendar of Meetings and Special Events now scheduled for 2023 with more details to follow.

    April 4, First Tuesday Tying & Talking Fly Fishing.

    April 18, Third Tuesday General Meeting with guide and instructor Chris Gerono giving us casting lessons
    “in the Jerome wind” on the lawn early and then giving us his presentation on guiding for selective trout on the
    Boise, Owyhee and Grand Ronde rivers. More details soon and come early for demonstration and tutoring on
    casting in Southern Idaho!

    May 2First Tuesday Tying & Talking Fly Fishing.

    May 20, Saturday, MVFF Spring Fun Fly Fishing Fling Day at Murtaugh Lake Park Pavilion for a full
    day of demonstrations, coaching, practice at the water getting first time and old time fly fishers together to build
    new community fly fishing knowledge and excitement.

    June, July & August and then fall activities & fish-outs will be announced as we know them.

    November 18, Saturday, MVFF Fall Fly Fishing Festival and Fundraising Banquet and day of

    Again, mark your NO MISS date for our Third Tuesday April 18 general meeting with Chris Gerono.

    Thanks for your interest and we look forward to seeing you all this next week on Tuesday March 21.

    Fish hard, send pics & stories, have fun, & call/text/email us anytime.
    More soon, Bryan Woodhouse, Secretary & PP, 2023, 208-934-6405.

    James Harper-President 208-961-0850
    Fred Schneiter-Vice Pres. 208-969-1971
    New Club E-mail

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