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  • 31 Oct 2023 12:41 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Magic Valley Fly Fishers October 2023 Club News.                   Tuesday, October 31, 2023

    Happy Halloween

    President’s Message for October.

    Hello all,

    Fall is here.  That is great for the fishing but I always have mixed emotions.  After fall comes winter.  I love fishing in the winter but just don't get much of it done.  I have been out a bit lately but would always like to get more time on the water.  I was looking forward to fall for the schedule to slow down a bit but so far it hasn't, so have to fit that fishing in when we can.  

    As for fall activities, there are still a couple of fish outs to get on.  There is also the banquet to get ready and have.  Then there are the holidays.  There is definitely enough to keep us all busy, as everyone knows.  We have already been talking about the next year and what we are going to do.  Now is the time to let us know if you have ideas for the club.  We are hoping to expand on the fish-outs and spread the love. Be on the lookout for news on those with locations and if you want to host one or want to fish a specific place, please let me know.

    We are hoping to do some fundraising in the early spring or late winter.  Nothing is final yet but keep your eyes peeled for events.  As always, we are looking for speakers at the meeting and any suggestions will be appreciated.

    Lastly, keep an eye on the Facebook page and feel free to chat and post about your fishing trips and let's see if we can get some impromptu gatherings.  That would be a lot of fun for everyone even if they cannot attend.  Good chats and discussions can be had.  I am going to keep it short this time but hope everyone is getting a few (fish that is).  Tight lines everyone and look forward to seeing you at the meeting.  

    James Harper, President, 2023.  mvff208@gmail.com208-961-0850

    One week from tonight, November 7, is our Talkin’ & Tyin’ Tuesday evening at the Barn and our Board of Directors and Fall Party Team meeting.

    The following was handed out as a signup at our general meeting on October 19.

    “Please work with your board by phone & text, email and our in-person team. Our plan is as follows:

    Oct. 19 through Nov. 6 texts & e-mail actions including but not limited to advertising, donations collection and organizing & party day organization and logistics.

    Nov. 7, Tue. Tying, board meeting and in-person Party Team meeting at the Barn. Donations brought in then can be sorted and organized for raffles and silent auditions ahead of the party.

    Nov. 8 through Fri. Nov. 17phone, text & e-mail actions / completions.

    Sat. Nov. 18, 12 noon to 3:00set up by the team at the Barn.

    Sat. Nov. 18, 4:30 team back & ready for our doors to open at 5:00.

    Please call/text Bryan at 208-934-6405 to get you going with our team to put this party together.

    You can also e-mail me at  or Please also text me if you send me an email.”

    Saturday, November 18, 2023, is our Fly Fishers & Friends Fall Party & Prime Rib Banquet at the Barn, 5-9 pm, with only 18 more days to go!!  Please go to the website and register and pay now if you haven’t already!! All the details are there for another exceptional Mountain View Barn prime rib dinner with all the sides and desserts as well as the bio and links to our speaker Mr. Nate Brumley of Dry Fly Innovations in Meridian. Please call Bryan at 208-934-6405 if you have any questions or issues with registering or paying online or if you need to mail a check or pay at the door as we must have meal counts by Tuesday, November 14.


    We must all continue to seek donations of all kinds to ensure great raffles and silent auctions. Let’s get back to the old days of flowers on the table for the ladies and lots of cool and interesting prizes of all types as well as great fly fishing related goodies.  The donations world has changed with our large donors of the past all gone. That increases the need for all our members to get creative and seek donations whenever or go to a craft show, farmers’ market, and entice all your friends and relatives to do the same so we can replenish our till at our raffles.

    Building back our reserves is needed again and is the only way to continue our scholarships, conservation group donations and ongoing activities. We must keep our goal of education of fly fishing to all that are interested and allow us to spread the pleasures and rewards of fly fishing to new folks and next generations of conservationist fly fishing friends.

    Costs have increased many fold.  If we want to get back to doing projects in riparian habitat restoration & maintenance and fisheries, as well as landowner access improvements with IDFG and others as we have done in the past, we need new and additional funding support. 

    Consult your company and others about donations and sustaining support contributions to our type of recreation and natural resource education based non-profit organization that provides both youth and adults a long tradition of new and interesting ways to get out, fly fish, learn entomology, and do it in our Southern Idaho Outdoors and beyond.

    There’s still Time to Volunteer.  

    Our election of officers and board members is typically held each November so we need to fill our slate of candidates by early November and publish it after our November 7 meeting to have our election for 2024 on schedule at the Fall Party on Saturday, 11-18.

    Three of this year’s board members cannot serve next year due to work, family and other commitments and we need members to help with the work of making club activities happen.

    Our current officers are weighing their options with lots of ideas for our club and want yours too.

    We would like new officers too who can help get the work done and so we can have a real election with more than one candidate for each office. What a concept!? We’re burning out & up.

    We want to do what you all want with your guidance and help. Getting our meetings at the Barn grows more difficult as their business grows and as we hope to increase our attendance and fit more of your schedules. Your active participation is essential. We continue to need more folks to take on tasks to get the club work done to keep activities happening. Please contact any of us by Tuesday November 7.

    Officers & Board of Directors & Phone #’s.

    President-N_______________#__________: Vice President-N__________#____________ Secretary-N_______________#_________ : Board Member-N__________#____________ 

    Committees needing leaders and members:

    Casting, N___________________#_____________:

    Tying, N_____________________#_____________:

    Meetings, N___________________#_____________:

    Membership, N___________________#_____________:

    Website & FB, N___________________#_____________:

    Projects & Conservation, N___________________#_____________:

    Fishouts-Outings & Special Events, N___________________#_____________:

    Fundraising-Scholarships & Promotion. N______________________#_____________:  

    Other Important Information & Dates.

    2024 Membership Duesare payable now online or by check by mail to Box 1037 T, F, I. 83303 or at the meetings by cash, check or square and if you pay before the end of this year it is $35 that goes to $45 in 2024. What a deal!!

    Vice President Fred Schneiter reports a great turnout of folks at the fishouts at Clear Lakes Country Club days and on the Big Wood River at Stanton Crossing with the numbers of members fishing in the teens and fish in the 20’s-both numbers and lengths (or more)!!

    Board member Chris Foster, that is our liaison with and volunteers for IDFG, reminds us all to check the fishing regulations for closures on some of our waters starting November 1, others December 1 and take regulations change now also to catch & release on several of our waters locally. Also call Parks & Waterways, and Parks & Recreation and BLM for Quagga Mussel access restrictions that are now in flux.  Also, the boat launch at Twin Falls Dam Idaho Power Park is undergoing major construction and has closures also.

    Board member Brenda Weekes, that is also working on the Jerome County Park trail project on the Snake, says the trail work and river crossing will be finishing in the next few weeks.

    December 5 is our Talkin’ & Tyin’ Tuesday evening at the Barn, HO-HO-HO.

    December 16, Saturday is our winter (hopefully warm) Club fish out at Clear Springs Country Club Lake in Buhl and is free to all paid club members.  


    Thank you all for your support.  See you soon.

    Bryan S. Woodhouse, Secretary & Past President, 2023. Call or text anytime, 208-934-6405.

  • 13 Oct 2023 4:12 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    MVFF Weekly Hot Topics Update Friday, October 13, 2023.

    Tomorrow 10/14 is our free fishing day at Clear Lakes Country Club Lake in Buhl. It will be in this nice fall weather with fish recently caught so big they wouldn’t fit into our nets.  Lots more +/- 20 inches have been seen too sipping midges so try a dry!

    Paid members fish free and if you renew or join tomorrow you get that perk plus your 2024 dues paid at the current $35/ yr. family rate that will go up to $45 on 1-1-2024. That’s a $20+ savings and you can pay there at the fish-out tomorrow. 

    Fred will be set up at the parking lot above the launch dock around 8 am. for you to sign in there first and then go down to sign in at the Pro Shop for their records. 

    Golf carts are again available to rent at the pro shop for our shore fishing pleasure around the lake, input stream and on the island at our price of $10 all day and we just reserved two this morning and want to get the word out to you all about this added benefit to our members.

    Mike and the others will have your free hot dogs from about 11 to 2 with all the fixin’s.

    Out on the water again!! Great fish, great folks, great fun. 

    Next Thursday, November 19, is our General Meeting at the Barn with the café serving.

    Our member & speaker Bob Harrison will present his program on Winter Fly Fishing in Phoenix, Arizona and the Warm Southwest. While a native of Hayburn and lives here spring and summer on the family farm, Bob’s primary home is in the Phoenix area where he is a long time member of the Desert Fly Casters, Fly Tying leader and knows all the spots to catch fish and how when we are frozen up here! He will cover Phoenix’s urban ponds and canals that offer fly fishing opportunities for bass, trout, carp and tilapia throughout the winter.  The presentation will cover locations, equipment, and local resources for getting away from Idaho’s cold weather to other areas around his state and region. Lots warmer, good fly fishing and not so far away.

    A show not to miss.


    Our October Club News will be out after the General Meeting next week.  It will include our President’s October message and those from our other board members. Please review our September 8 Club News as there is a lot in it and we will be adding current information to all the topics discussed there and more including:

    Please keep getting donations.  Our Saturday November 18 Fall Party and Banquet needs all you can make, find and bring in asap. Checks to the club for sustaining support work well too!!

    Task/date sign-ups to get this event to happen will be distributed and discussed next Thursday. You can call to begin working with us NOW if you can’t make that meeting.

    Please go to this event on our website to learn more about our speaker, register and pay now so this can be a fun party all will enjoy.

    Officer, Board of Directors, & Committee Chair 2024 positions must be filled now for our November election. We seriously need you all to WORK with us. New and seasoned, young and old, experienced and not-so-much are needed NOW to do the tasks that the too few of us are burning out on now. HELP!

    Thank you all for making MVFF the fun & solid old fly fishing club that it is.

    Bryan Woodhouse, Secretary & Past President, 2023.  208-934-6405

  • 2 Oct 2023 11:55 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    MVFF October 2, 2023, Calendar Updates & Reminders.

    Good morning.

    Tomorrow evening Oct. 3 is our terrific tying Tuesday at The Barn 5-9.

    Next Saturday Oct. 7 Melissa Wagner, one of our newest members and C.S.I. Aquaculture Guru in a post on our MVFF FB page invites us all to join them at the Hayspur IDFG hatchery campground for fly fishing the lagoon and area creeks. See her post for more information.

    The following Saturday Oct. 14 is our MVFF October Free Fly Fishing Fest for paid members at the Clear Lakes Country Club Lake in Buhl.  

    The next Thursday Oct. 19 is our general meeting at The Barn 5-9.  Our member & speaker Bob Harrison will present his program on Winter Fly Fishing in Phoenix, Arizona and the Warm Southwest. While a native of Hayburn and lives here spring and summer on the family farm, Bob’s primary home is in the Phoenix area where he is a long time member of the Desert Fly Casters, Fly Tying leader and knows all the spots to catch fish and how when we are frozen up here! Lots warmer, good fly fishing and not so far away.  A show not to miss.

    More October and fall club news with further details on the Banquet Saturday November 18, more fishouts and tying nights will follow and be posted soon.  See our past Club News’ also.

    Please review our website for further event detail updates and registration information and for joining & renewing.

    Also watch our Facebook page for more information on fun fly fishing & tying around our area.

    Thank you for your continued support of MVFF.

    Call/text me any time for fastest response at 208-934-6405

    Bryan Woodhouse, Secretary & Past President, 2023.

  • 12 Sep 2023 4:20 PM | Anonymous

    Magic Valley Fly Fishers September 2023 Club News.               Friday, September 8, 2023

    Good afternoon.  Here is our happy, very busy September & Beyond.

    This next Tuesday, September 12, is our Fly Tying and Club fun evening at the Barn 5-9 with burgers, salads and beverages.  We’ll be tying flies and telling tall tales and it will be easier now that we have moved our board meetings back to a different night and location each month for less distraction and more tying and communicating time for all.

    The following Saturday, September 16, we will be enjoying our Exciting New Whitefish Derby and fish out on the Boise River below Anderson Dam. Details are on our FB page and website with registration on the latter. This looks to be a great new fundraiser that could be an attraction fitted to each and all fish outs in the months ahead. James has worked hard on this one and let’s all get out and catch one for the club! Every fly fisher can use a chance to win a great new 5 wt. too!

    The next Tuesday after that, September 19, is our General Meeting at the Barn, 5-9 with burgers, salads and beverages and maybe more. This will start our new next season with a recap of our Whitefish Derby and Adventure Stories of Summer ’23 by James and others and gets us going again for another fun fly fishing fall. Many had asked to have general meetings again and we were lucky to get this day because all Third Thursdays were already booked for Sept. October will be back to a 3rd Thur. as is listed below.

    Our President’s Message for September.

    Hello all.

    It feels like just yesterday that we were looking forward to another summer with the promise of warm weather and all the fishing that that entails.  Now with Labor Day in the rearview mirror we can both look back at the summer and look forward to my favorite time of year the autumn.   Looking back on the summer is a great time to reflect on what went well and what we can improve on for next year.  Like any fishing trip I like to reflect on some of my favorite fish.  Like the 20” brown on Silver creek that sipped the brown drake.  I also like to reflect on the ones that I didn’t get.  Like the fish feeding 10 feet in front of me that I didn’t get a cast to due to weather on the Missouri.  I reflect on what I could have done both differently and better. 

    Overall, I feel the club has had a great summer.   Fred has done a great job of planning the fish outs that we have had and Mike has done a fantastic job in support and can really cook a tasty dog.  The fishing has been pretty good at all of them and the company and talk has been even better.  If you haven’t come to one you are missing out, and there are still a few to come so put them in your planner and see if you can make it.

     I can honestly say this summer just flew by.  I was able to get some great fishing in and I sincerely hope you were as well.  The rivers were flowing high for a long time but mostly fished well once they started to fish, in my opinion.  I am really optimistic for a great fall and the fishing that will come.  I am excited for the September fish out that is going to be our Whitefish derby.  Daniel from Idaho Troutfitters donated a fantastic Lamson fly rod to give away.  This will be a great time fishing a great river (South Fork Boise below Anderson).   I am also excited to start meetings again and visiting and hearing everyone’s triumphs this summer.   The fly-tying meetings have been fun as well and we look forward to keeping that going.

    As the board goes, we are really moving forward with planning for the fall Banquet.  We are finalizing the details of that up and will have more news shortly.  We are planning on the next couple of fish outs. In Sept and Oct, and we are resuming meetings and busy with work on presentations for those.  We are always looking for help on all of these, and volunteer time and even money is appreciated.    Along those lines if you haven’t visited the Facebook page and/or the new Webpage please do.  There is a bunch of work that has been done and hats off to Greg for his work there.  We love to hear from all of you on Facebook, and you can post pictures on both sites. I just put some of my summer pics on the website.  Go take a look and share yours as well.  Thanks all and I look forward to talking to you more at one of the meetings or the fish outs. 

    James Harper, President 2023.  mvff208@gmail.com208-961-0850

    October 3 is our Talkin’ & Tyin’ Tuesday evening at the Barn.

    Ya all come, ya hear?

    October 14, Saturday is our Club fish out at Clear Springs Country Club Lake in Buhl and is free to all paid club members.

    October 19, Thursday, is our General Meeting at the Barn 5-9 with the details of the evening posted on our website and Facebook as they are finalized.

    November 7 is our Talkin’ & Tyin’ Tuesday evening at the Barn.

    November 18, Saturday is our Fall Banquet with prime rib dinner at the Barn 5-9.  Details with registration, payment and other information are being finalized as James said above and will be published and sent out to you all very shortly.  Please see the additional information below under Donations on this, our major event of the year, as edited and added to from last month’s Club News.

    December 5 is our Talkin’ & Tyin’ Tuesday evening at the Barn.

    December 16, Saturday is our winter (hopefully warm) Club fish out at Clear Springs Country Club Lake in Buhl and is free to all paid club members.

    Other Important Information.

    NO RSVP’s Needed.

    Increasing attendance at our functions has now established all our published events will occur unless uncontrollable events require changes and has removed the need for rsvp minimums.  Come on out if you can even if you didn’t think you were going to be able to attend. Everything is doable, one way or another.

    Registrations and Event Details.

    It is now still very important and easy to register and pay for events if there is a charge using our new website and it is essential for our planning and making these activities happen successfully. Early registration and payment help us immensely and we are looking for ways to give you perks for that that work for us all without complications. Late arrivals for some functions may have additional charges or other than normal meal selection, seating, etc., depending on the event and will be posted in the details of that activity. Watch these for new updated information.


    Saturday, November 18, 2023, is our Fly Fishers & Friends Fall Fun Prime Rib Banquet at the Barn 5-9 pm.  that is only 10 weeks, 70 days from tomorrow, 9/9/23.  Mark your calendars if you haven’t already!! All the fine details are in process and will be sent out & posted soon so all can register, pay and plan to make it a great evening. It is going to happen no matter what so register as soon as it is posted!

    It is also time for all of us to seek donations of all kinds to ensure great raffles and silent auctions. Let’s get back to the old days of flowers on the table for the ladies and lots of cool and interesting prizes of all types as well as great fly fishing related goodies.  The donations world has changed with our large donors of the past all gone. That increases the need for all our members to get creative and seek donations whenever or go to a craft show, farmers’ market, and entice all your friends and relatives to do the same so we can replenish our till at our raffles.  Feel free to call me, Fred or James if you would like us to pick up your donations early so we can get them logged in and ready for our silent auction and raffles ahead of Saturday November 18.

    Building back our reserves is needed again and is the only way to continue our scholarships, conservation group donations and ongoing activities. We must keep our goal of education of fly fishing to all that are interested and allow us to spread the pleasures and rewards of fly fishing to new folks and next generations of conservationist fly fishing friends.

    Costs have increased many fold.  If we want to get back to doing projects in riparian habitat restoration & maintenance and fisheries, as well as landowner access improvements with IDFG and others as we have done in the past, we need new and additional funding support. 

    Consult your company and others about donations and sustaining support contributions to our type of recreation and natural resource education based non-profit organization that provides both youth and adults a long tradition of new and interesting ways to get out, fly fish, learn entomology, and do it in our Southern Idaho Outdoors and beyond.

    Our new MVFF website is up and running {still} and has much still to be added, but we want you all to use it and give us your input as WE evolve it over these next weeks into what we want it to look like and have the functions you want for our club. There is way too much to talk about in this Club News.  We will be sending out an email soon regarding membership log in, posting pictures, getting forums going and much more. Please volunteer to help us on this if you have website or database use and management experience and forgive our slow rate of implementation and improvement.  Greg is still doing most as we gain momentum in building the site to what we all want and, as James said, we thank him immensely!

    Time to Volunteer.  

    Our officer and board election is typically held each November so we need to fill our slate of candidates by early November to have our election for 2024 on schedule.

    We want to do what you all want with your guidance and help. Getting our meetings at the Barn grows more difficult as their business grows and as we attempt to increase our attendance with different days of the week/ month to fit more of your schedules. Your active participation is essential. We continue to need more folks to take on tasks to get the club work done to keep activities happening. Please contact any of us to help on a committee or help with other duties.

    Officers & Board of Directors.

    President-N_______________#_____________: Vice President N_______________#________   ____ Secretary-N_______________#_____________: Board Mem-N   _______________#______________

    Committees needing members:


    Tying, N_____________________#_____________:

    Meetings, N___________________#_____________:

    Membership, N___________________#_____________:

    Website & FB, N___________________#_____________:

    Projects & Conservation, N___________________#_____________:

    Fishouts-Outings & Special Events, N___________________#_____________:

    Fundraising-Scholarships & Promotion. N______________________#_____________:  

    Articles, stories and other input.

    I hope to get back to having more time to incorporate YOUR trip reports, stories and fishing-conservation-habitat-access improvement and other ideas into these Club News. I would like it to evolve into a Back-to-the-Future new version of our old Windknots Newsletter. Don’t know where I parked my DeLorean so may not be able to get there, but I would like some of your stuff to put in too.  Then too, I hope, to get more of that directly onto the website and make it much faster and easier.


    Thank you all for your support to keep this fun old fly fishing club going strong.  See you soon.

    Bryan S. Woodhouse, Secretary & Past President, 2023. Call or text anytime, 208-934-6405 or e-mail me at   

  • 27 Jul 2023 1:47 PM | Anonymous

    Good Morning Magic Valley Fly Fishers    

    Club News and other “Windknots” for July & August on July 27, 2023.

    Way too much good stuff happening to get to it all here, but here is some to start.


    fun night is this coming week on APRIL-oops-August 1, 5-9 pm. at the Mountain View Barn with burgers, salads and beverages. These evenings are growing and help us have more quality club time together as well as tie flies. Bring whatever knot tying,  rod building, net building or other ideas you want to get going on these nights too. A “friendly” cribbage game isn’t out of the question!

    We’ll have a short board meeting with however many board members can make it while the fly tires are setting up and getting folks tying.  We want you all to come, learn about, and get involved in all that’s underway. Please come and give YOUR BOARD your ideas on how we can do all the upcoming activities WITH YOUR HELP!  

    These include:

    Club family fly fishing outings.  A minimum RSVP # will be required for all longer trips.

    Saturday, August 19, 2023, on the Big Wood River is our next scheduled club fishing day. Our outing leaders will decide the details and meeting location on the river at our August 1 evening meeting or shortly thereafter. Our main meeting location, with ample parking and other details, will reference the access point numbers as designated on the Blane County Big Wood River Fishing Access maps available at all our meetings and at Idaho Troutfitters. This info and the minimum number of SOLIDLY COMMITTED RSVPs we must have by Wednesday August 16 to allow this trip to happen will be posted on our Facebook page and new website with contact #’s.  Watch there too for info updates should they arise.

    Saturday, September 16, 2023, on the South Fork of the Boise River is our September fish-out. The final planning will occur in early September and be published as described above with references to appropriate Benchmark Maps book location information and will also include RSVP #’s needed by 9/13/23. Saturday, October 14, 2023, is MVFF free fly fishing at Clear Lakes Country Club-CLCC- in Buhl.

    Saturday, November 18, 2023, is our Fly Fishers & Friends Fall Fun Prime Rib Party at the Barn 5-9 pm.  More on this is discussed below.

    Saturday, December 16, 2023, is a warm winter MVFF free fly fishing day with big fish at CLCC.

    Our new MVFF website is up and running {still} and has much still to be added, but we want you all to use it and give us your input as WE evolve it over these next weeks into what we want it to look like and have the functions you want for our club. Greg built this single handedly (no spay!!) over this last month and it gives us the platform and tools to make it work the way we want it over the next months and years. Thanks a billion Greg!!

    One of our new features Greg already has active is your ability to “register” (RSVP) on an event like those above and that helps us all in making things happen.

    Talkin’ & Tyin’ Tuesdays will be fun, functional and growing 8/1; 9/12; 10/3; 11/7;& 12/5/2023.

    Ya all come, ya hear?

    Saturday, November 18, 2023, is our Fly Fishers & Friends Fall Fun Prime Rib Party at the Barn 5-9 pm.  that is only 114 days away from today, so mark you calendars if you haven’t already!! All the fine details are in process and will be sent out & posted soon so all can plan to make it a great evening.

    It is also time for all of us to seek donations of all kinds to ensure great raffles and silent auctions. Let’s get back to the old days of flowers on the table for the ladies and lots of cool and interesting prizes of all types as well as fly fishing related goodies.  The donations world has changed with our large donors of the past gone. That increases the need for all of our members to get creative and seek donations whenever you go to a craft show, farmers’ market, and entice all your friends and relatives to do the same so we can replenish our till at our raffles. For now that is the only way to continue our scholarships, conservation group donations and allow us to get out and spread the pleasures and rewards of fly fishing to new folks and next generations of conservationist fly fishing friends.

    General Meetings will be resuming for September and October with dates & details to be determined and posted on the calendar on the website and on Fb.

    Thank you for your continued support for and interest in MVFF.

    More soon, call/text me anytime 208-934-6405 and see you Tuesday at the Barn.

    Bryan Woodhouse, Secretary & Past President, 2023.

  • 13 Jul 2023 9:00 AM | Anonymous

    Magic Valley Fly Fisher September 2022 – State of Our Club


    STATE-OF-OUR-CLUB September 27, 2022

    Your current officers and board members here tonight will each give you their views on the state of our club and their visions of fall and spring needs, directions and activities over this next year.

    We need your ideas and help to continue monthly meetings with speakers, our history project, fly casting and tying with kids and new folks, IDFG projects, fly tying times, fishouts and other things picking up speed again.

    We must have different folks fill officer, board and committee positions to fulfill our bylaws, business requirements, goals and desires through 2023 and beyond. We need new visions, experience, ideas and

    workers to get back to doing more to help us all learn more and enjoy fly fishing with all it has to offer. A new President and Secretary are required now that we’re returning to more normal activities status, and because you have had to put up with me for FAR TOO LONG. Extraordinary times have changed.
    I will help & advise as Past President– NOT as Permanent President. Snicker-snicker!
    Greg Edgar has graciously agreed to stay on as our Treasurer as we all appreciate.

    Our bylaws addressing officers, board positions and committees are available by e-mail on request and here at our opening meeting. There is flexibility in how we structure who does what, but the tasks must get done for our club to continue. Officers and board members take on committee leaderships if no other members fill those needed roles as only a few of us are doing now. It must be spread among more members to lessen the load on each and maintain continuity in our operations and in meeting our goals. The more we work together the easier it will be to keep MVFF alive and well and moving ahead into our next fifty years fly fishing as we preserve, promote, enhance and educate to perpetuate our sport. We are lucky to have new and returning members with incredible experience and skills in all areas where we need help. This should be fun in our sport, not work.

    Officer and board election is typically in November so we need to fill our slate of candidates by early November to have our election for 2023 on schedule. If required, however, it could be done December 17 at the Christmas dinner also serving as a Special Meeting for that purpose with seven (7) days prior notice.
    We want to do what you all want with your guidance and help. Getting our meetings at the Barn grows more difficult as their business grows and as we attempt to increase our attendance with different days of the week and month to fit more of your schedules. Our active participation is essential. So, sign up here tonight!!

    Thank you all for your support to keep this fun old fly fishing club going strong. See you on the water!!
    Bryan S. Woodhouse, President & Secretary, 2022. Call or text anytime, 208-934-56705.

  • 13 Jul 2023 8:59 AM | Anonymous

    Club News – November 2022

    CLUB NEWS November 7, 2022

    Happy November on this nice, rainy day. It’s recharging both our water supplies and hopes for great fly fishing opportunities over the months to come. Have a GREAT THANKSGIVING wherever you wade, drift or roam!

    There will not be a monthly meeting in November due to time and scheduling constraints.

    Our Saturday, December 17, Christmas Party at the Mountain View Barn, 5 to 9 pm,featuring Nina’s scrumptious traditional turkey, ham and all the sides and deserts we can hold, needs your reservations soon. The cost including tip is $45 for each person which is well below our current inflation levels.
    We must get a minimum of 25 people reserved by Wednesday December 14 to make this event happen and we already have eight in for a warm and fun Christmas time at the Barn.

    All the “Early Birds” that get their RSVPs in by Wednesday *November 30*will be entered into a special raffle for a fly fishing adventure for 2 that is a $300+ value.
    Payment this year is by check to our P.O. Box 1037 T. F. I, 83303, or by check, cash or plastic at the door after a confirmed reservation is logged in by reply to this email, phone, text, or receipt of your check to our P.O. Box by 12/14. There will be no on-line payments for this event for several reasons this year.

    You only pay for your adult beverage bill in addition.
    Last minute late comers at the door could get chicken; but it was so good it rivaled the prime rib at the 50th anniversary dinner in April. Plan to come and let us know if you can; but COME!
    Our big Christmas Raffle and Silent Auction will feature more trips in the auction, books and lots of fly fishing, fly tying and non-fishing goodies from donations we have already received that will appeal to the ladies as well as the gentlemen. We always look forward to those cool things you all bring to these get togethers that you know we all want to win from the boxes of good stuff you need to DOWNSIZE. I may bring a van full at the rate I’m sorting!! If it’s too big (like Bob’s U-boat) bring a picture to put out for a bid or bucket bonanza! No prize too big or too small for us all to have a ball! Bring ‘em early or get them to us ahead of the party to get them sorted and on the tables for all to bid on. Bring lots to have fun and support MVFF!
    A small history display will show some of the donations we have received and our progress you will all be interested to see and become involved with in the future.
    Santa may even show up? HO. HO. HO.

    Election of officers and board members will be at the December evening.
    The ballot with explanation is attached.
    I want to thank James Harper for again stepping up as President this coming year. James took to the oars on this boat a few years before I arrived here in Twin and we all appreciate having him again help us navigate and put us into fish in the waters ahead. His audition at the September meeting, and his hard work at the April Anniversary doing the casting with all the new folks, reminded us of his many talents, visions for our fly fishing club’s future, and his commitment and abilities to making them happen.

    I also want to thank you all for helping on the board and as dedicated members in all we do.

    MAGIC VALLEY FLY FISHERS SEPTEMBER 2022 STATE-OF-OUR-CLUB is attached and was distributed at both the September and October meetings. We are solvent, lots going on now into the fall, and we look forward to another good year starting into our next 50 ahead. It’s your club. Thank you one and all.

    PLEASE RSVP BY REPLY OR AS ABOVE FOR A GREAT CHRISTMAS PARTY AHEAD. More soon, call/txt/e-mail me, and have a GREAT THANKSGIVING wherever you wade, drift or roam! Bryan Woodhouse, President & Secretary, 2022


    MVFF Official Election Ballot Officers and Board of Directors


  • 13 Jul 2023 8:58 AM | Anonymous

    Club News – January 2023


    Good evening. 

    Please mark your calendars and plan to attend our upcoming February and March meetings at the Mountain View Barn, Jerome Id, 392 E, 300 S, starting in just two weeks from tomorrow. 

    February 7, Tuesday, Fly Tying Evening, 5-9 pm. 

    February 21, Tuesday, Monthly General Meeting 5-9 pm. with speaker presentations on fly fishing tactics & techniques, tying fish fooling flies, fisheries & conservation discussions, club activities in planning and more. 

    March 7, Tuesday, Fly Tying Evening, 5-9 pm. 

    March 21, Tuesday, Monthly General Meeting 5-9 pm. with speaker presentations on fly fishing tactics & techniques, tying fish fooling flies, fisheries & conservation discussions, club activities in planning and more. 

    Fly Tying Evenings will now begin again on a regular basis so we can urge each other to get more into our boxes and help the new folks that have been asking us how they can begin. 

    New tiers wanting help and instruction need to call the number below by Feb 4, Saturday so we have the tools and materials set up and ready for your new addictive pastime building fish fooling bugs and baitfish. There’s lots on YouTube, but you have to start with your hands on the vise and bobbin! 

    Experienced tiers- bring your travel tying outfits, show your tricks and techniques and swap materials and lies—I mean info!! The materials and information exchange builds fun and knowledge because we can see and feel how it’s done up close and personal in this hands on hobby. 

    During this first tying meeting we will get your input and discuss what else you want and we can do in upcoming tying sessions in this lifelong learning process. 

    Also: For the first fly tying evenings the Barn’s café will not be open. You may bring your own Mc-Whatever. 

    Monthly General Meetings are now being planned with details on each to follow as we get them. The Board is currently working to get interesting and informative speakers and presentations on a wide range of fly fishing, tying, fisheries and other topics in Idaho and beyond that are relevant to all our fly fishing pursuits. 

    If you know of Southern Idaho folks that are interesting fly fishers and/or are involved in fisheries, riparian habitat, access or other related segments of our fly fishing sport, please call, text or email us their contact information so we can be in touch to see if we can schedule something with MVFF. 

    March 24, Friday, & Saturday, March 25-East Idaho Fly Tying Expo in Idaho FallsMark your calendars and plan on meeting a bunch of us up there for the next great Snake River Cutthroats Expo. Several of our best MVFF tyers are on the schedule to demonstration tie at this show that is one of the best in the western states. See Bruce Staples Snake River Cutthroats info on the web. 

    MVFF Board Meeting, Thursday, January 19 Highlights. “Now we just get out and do it!” sums it up! 


    All on the board are enthusiastic that our club is healthy and continuing to Preserve, Protect, Promote and Enhance the sport of fly fishing with all its facets and do likewise for the resources, waters and fisheries that allow it to prosper. Our involvement in the Rock Creek Project, work with IDFG, Twin Falls Canal Co., CSI Aquaculture, the new Jerome Snake River Park Project, and other projects will proceed as we get more of YOU working with us Board folks and we obtain the newest information on these evolving projects and how we fit in. 


    A calendar of fishing days and destinations is in production and will be sent out soon to get all on board and out fishing. Days and locations will be in keeping with the unanimous consensus that family & kids coming and learning has been, and must continue, as a foundation of MVFF’s education duty and community commitment. 

    Set the fish-out and publish it ahead for members to commit and go. If you go fish it, they will come!! 

    Dues & Membership: 

    The January 1 to December 31 calendar year remains our dues cycle. Our $35 family dues remain the same and are payable online through March 2023 on our current website. You may also pay by check to our P.O. Box 1037 Twin Falls Id. 83303, or at meetings by cash, check or plastic on our new Square card reader. To encourage all ages to enjoy our sport, a family can include grand kids, or even great-grand-kids for us really old folks. (: They will then get their parents to join and come out too! The nurturing by a family member builds lifelong fly fishing memories and our next generations of fly fishers. 

    Thank you to all of you that have paid as we are now at 50 members and climbing back toward our old numbers! Our roster is in update mode and this will continue as time and new membership persons add their expertise to the process. We will continue to collect data for this process at monthly meetings so we can have everyone’s mailing addresses again. We may need to mail you items like membership cards to facilitate discounts and access to more club associated activities. Please be sure to send us any phone or email address changes as those will remain our primary access to you. 

    To simplify our processes, we are evaluating separating membership drive dues payments from fundraising & special event fees for entrance or meals at future activities. This will avoid double payments on dues and make tracking membership & event management easier. More on this as it evolves. 

    More information, updates and our new president James Harper’s message will follow soon. 

    Thank you all for your support and active participation in your club. 

    Please call, text or email us anytime. 

    Bryan Woodhouse, Secretary & Past President-2023, 208-934-6405 

    Fred Schneiter, Vice President, Fly Tying & Fish-Outs, 2023, 208-969-1971 

  • 13 Jul 2023 8:57 AM | Anonymous

    Club News – February 2023


    Magic Valley Fly Fishers February 13, 2023, Reminder and Update. 

    Good afternoon. 

    Our first general meeting of 2023 will be one week from tomorrow night February 21 from 5 to 9 at the Mountain View Barn, 392 E, 300 S, Jerome. 

    Our main presentation from 6:30 to 7:30 will be by our new President James Harper giving us his views on many fly fishing myths and how to turn them into an advantage for all Magic Valley Fly Fishers. With luck he will also have time to tell and show us some of his fishing adventures last fall on the upper Snake, Big Lost and beyond. 

    The opening act preceding James will be Vice President Fred Schneiter’s video loop and his narrative showing us some of his MVFF local fly fishing fish fooling fun with new, old and perspective members around this magic valley over the preceding months. 

    After James’ show we will give you some updates on project areas begun in previous months and how our new board is working to keep these interesting and important items moving forward. 

    After what is sure to be a lively Q&A with James and us all we will have a round robin of fishing tales from you all. 

    The Café at the Barn will be open for business as in all previous general meetings and have a great mini buffet, burgers, salads and other goodies available as well as new kegs being tapped according to my latest info from O.J. 

    As we said in our Club News of Jan 23, dues are due now for all & each year on the Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 cycle. Thank you to all that have already renewed/paid and thank you especially to the several new folks that have joined recently. You may still pay on our website through March but after that we are looking into new methods that may be back-to-the-future with mailing your check to P. O. Box 1037 and by paying at the door with plastic, check, or that old thing—cash?? 

    Last Tuesday evening 2/7 was our opening monthly fly tying and open get-together night at the Barn and was enjoyed by all of those that came, tied, learned and got better acquainted. We had over 20% of our paid club members attend and that was awesome! ( It does, however, say our paid membership is down a bit too! Pay up!) We know these nights will work back into a major happening for our club as they had begun to evolve back when we started them in 2019, so plan on coming on March 7 and get involved. 

    Also, mark your NO MISS date for our March 21 general meeting with guest speaker, our own, Mr. Tucker Brauer, Magic Valley Regional Fisheries Biologist for IDFG. He will present information on all things Big Wood River, as well as other great things the Department has underway with another lively Q & A to follow. 

    Thanks again and we look forward to seeing you all this next week on Tuesday Feb 21. 

    Fish hard, send pics & stories, have fun, call/text/email us anytime. What a team!!! 

    More soon, Bryan Woodhouse, Secretary & PP, 2023, 208-934-6405.

    James Harper-President 208-961-0850

    Fred Schneiter-Vice Pres. 208-969-1971

    Download Club News Letter 

  • 13 Jul 2023 8:56 AM | Anonymous

    Magic Valley Fly Fishers March 14, 2023
    Good evening,
    Our second general meeting of 2023 will be just one week from tonight on March 21 from 5 to 9 at the
    Mountain View Barn, 392 E, 300 S, Jerome. Our main presentation from 6:30 to 7:30 will be by our guest
    speaker, our own, Mr. Tucker Brauer, Magic Valley Regional Fisheries Biologist for IDFG. He will present
    information on all things Big Wood River including it’s history, current work and plans for the future that the
    Department has underway. He will also update us on other IDFG work and fisheries issues around our Magic
    Valley with a lively Q & A to follow.

    President’s Message-James Harper
    Hello MVFF members.
    We are slowly getting to spring. Spring is one of my favorite times of year as I always take a spring trip with
    my sons. We have been doing this trip and chasing the Blue Wing Olives of spring. Once again, this year we
    are going and I can hardly wait. We are usually a bit early for the BWO’s but there are still fish to be caught.

    Things so far this spring are looking favorable for the water outlook. Word is pretty favorable and sounding
    good for the Steelhead season. As things start to warm up a bit, I hope that everyone can find some time to wet
    a line. There should be plenty of nice days ahead and lots of opportunities. That is what this is all about,
    getting to the water to catch fish. Spring is always a great time after the long winter.

    As far as the club is going, we have been meeting as a board and have some real fun things planned this
    year. We are excited for some of the events that we have planned and you will be seeing more of those coming

    Just a reminder, the fly-fishing Film Tour is finally coming to Twin. Let’s get out there a support fly fishing in
    the area. Those films are always tons of fun, and also, often a bit educational. If you haven’t already checked
    out the Facebook page, you really should. There is lots of great content that we have been able to share, with
    many fly patterns that have been tied as well as some links to really great articles. We are also getting the
    Instagram page going it is We would really like your help and support to get that
    moving forward. Feel free to post to either the Facebook or to tag us in the Instagram posts. We all like to see
    what everyone has been catching.

    Thanks everyone and let’s get out there and catch a few fish.
    – James.

    PLEASE NOTE: Send all your comments, pictures, links and ideas to the new as
    James noted above in addition to our e-mails listed below for our best responses and archiving of your inputs.
    Text us for fastest responses. Thank you for your support.

    Vice President’s Message-Fred Schneiter
    I am looking forward to our fishing Fun Day at Murtaugh Lake in May. We have the pavilion there
    reserved for us. More details to follow.

    Our 1st fly tying evening, 2/7, we had a good turnout. Our 2nd evening, 3/7, not as many showed
    up. We did have a couple of interested parties (not members yet) attend and actually did some
    tying!! Looking forward to a good turnout at our next evening, 4/4.

    Still working on fish out days. Weather has not been cooperating and a lot of locations are not open yet
    but will keep researching.

    We’ll be getting a list of days soon from Fish and Game for their volunteer events as well as ‘Trout in the
    I appreciate everyone who has participated and hope we can get more volunteers.
    – Fred

    More Updates & Information

    • Next Tuesday March 21 will begin with our 5-6:30 “wet fly time” for getting together, eating, sipping and
      will again feature Fred’s video loops, DVD’s and stories of getting our folks out and catching fish.
    • The Café at the Barn will be open for business as in all previous general meetings and have a great mini
      buffet, burgers, salads and other goodies available as well as new beverages to try.
    • We will give you some updates on project areas begun in previous months and how our new board is working to keep these interesting and important items moving forward.
    • We will have our round robin of fishing tales again from you all to learn what’s fishing well-or at all??

    As we said previously, thank you to all that have joined or renewed for 2023. For all of you that paid at the 50th
    party last April 30, 2022, dues are due again & each year on the Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 cycle. You may still pay on
    our website through March. but after that we are looking into new methods that may be back-to-the-future
    with mailing your check to P. O. Box 1037 and by paying at the door with plastic, check, or that old thing—
    cash?? More on our website transition will follow as we have the details you need worked out. Please also help
    us by working with our teams for our upcoming tying nights, meetings, events and fish-outs-we need you.

    The first Tuesday evening March 7 was our second great monthly fly tying and open get-together night at the
    Barn and was enjoyed by all of those that came, tied, learned and got better acquainted. We know these nights
    will grow into an important evening for our club as they had begun to evolve back when we started them in
    Please plan on coming on the first Tuesday, April 4 as in the calendar below and get involved.

    Calendar of Meetings and Special Events now scheduled for 2023 with more details to follow.

    April 4, First Tuesday Tying & Talking Fly Fishing.

    April 18, Third Tuesday General Meeting with guide and instructor Chris Gerono giving us casting lessons
    “in the Jerome wind” on the lawn early and then giving us his presentation on guiding for selective trout on the
    Boise, Owyhee and Grand Ronde rivers. More details soon and come early for demonstration and tutoring on
    casting in Southern Idaho!

    May 2First Tuesday Tying & Talking Fly Fishing.

    May 20, Saturday, MVFF Spring Fun Fly Fishing Fling Day at Murtaugh Lake Park Pavilion for a full
    day of demonstrations, coaching, practice at the water getting first time and old time fly fishers together to build
    new community fly fishing knowledge and excitement.

    June, July & August and then fall activities & fish-outs will be announced as we know them.

    November 18, Saturday, MVFF Fall Fly Fishing Festival and Fundraising Banquet and day of

    Again, mark your NO MISS date for our Third Tuesday April 18 general meeting with Chris Gerono.

    Thanks for your interest and we look forward to seeing you all this next week on Tuesday March 21.

    Fish hard, send pics & stories, have fun, & call/text/email us anytime.
    More soon, Bryan Woodhouse, Secretary & PP, 2023, 208-934-6405.

    James Harper-President 208-961-0850
    Fred Schneiter-Vice Pres. 208-969-1971
    New Club E-mail

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